Dear fellow followers of the fun,
I have a good feeling about the future of my very good fun fan club. One day last week I got 14 new members, which is a good number, and as I was explaining what you getting the new 14, I saw that the Peter Noone fan representatives who are planning them, were and are called “funsters” I like the name but I think we need something more descriptive of what these splendid volunteers do.
An example would be the Peter No one local fan representative.
LOCAL refers to where you live and is not a pub, AS IN English.
An example of the fabulous reps work is an Upcoming concert in Lancaster, PA at the American Theatre.
The Peter Noone local representative has set up a “meet and greet and eat” extravaganza at the beautiful Panera Bread for FAN CLUB MEMBERS ONLY and I have promised to pop my head in and say hello to everyone without hand shaking, hugging, sneezing, selfie’s etc etc etc or eating.
ANOTHER MEET, GREET, AND EAT WITH A POP-IN FROM PETE IS SET FOR Sellersville, PA as the local representatives there are opportunists, and fight hard to make the Fan Club Fun, and at the same time they guarantee my personal safety and will wrestle any fan club member to the ground and sit on them until I leave. I do not know the time of this event as it is a members-only secret and we have a secret milkshake.
As you can probably see, I think there is a future and I want to be a participant!
If you want to be a participant and are a member of the Peter Noone Fun Fan Club, then you need to cozy up to your local representative asap. These fan-fun-flings are only available to a fan club member, plus one guest, who hopefully doesn’t actually like wrestling and having someone sit on them?
For further information, you can email me directly at and I will ascertain who your local representative is, just remember name and town name and town as I am still unable to guess where you live.
Peter No One, the artist formally known as HERMAN
Anna joe
December 06, 2024